Pharmacy Practice is the study of Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapy of diseases, management and treatment with emphasis on drug of choice, dosing schedules, side effects, precautions to be taken, drug-drug interactions and patient counselling. The Department of Pharmacy Practice, Pharm.D programme came into existence in September 2014 at our college campus to meet the International Standards and raise the capability of the Pharmacy students in the global platform. The Department of Pharmacy Practice made MOU with Government Head quarters Hospital,Thiruvallur for giving hospital and Clinical training to our Pharm.D Sudents

JThe Department has a well established Drug Information Centre (DIC) with good source of information (Micromedex) and Patient counselling services at Government general Hospital,Thiruvallur which gives effective health care services for all health care professionals and patients.
The Department provides information on New Drugs, New Therapies, Pharmacokinetics, Drug Administration, Adverse Drug Reactions,Poison informations, antidotes for poisons through DIC for health care professionals
The Department gives Patient counseling services such as social habits modification, physical activities, diet, stress management, proper administration of drugs, ...etcfor patients.