- Students should be punctual to class and should be at 8.45 AM. Late comers to the class will be treated as ABSENT for the First hour – instruction may be given to sit in the Library. However, they are permitted to join Second hour onwards.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the college premises. Severe legal action will be taken against the students involving in Ragging.
- Uses of Mobile phones / camera are strictly prohibited within the college premises.
- Students must wear Identity Card throughout their stay in college premises.

- Students should fulfill the attendance of 85 % compulsorily to make eligible for appearing Sessional Examination / Board Examinations. Those who are having lack of attendance will not be eligible to appear for Sessional Examination / Board Examinations.
- Three Sessional Exams will be conducted for one Academic session during Sep / Dec / Jan. Out of which students should appear for Two Sessional Examination compulsorily [both Theory and Practical]. Failing which, students will not be eligible to appear for Board Examinations.
- Mark statement will be sent to parents at the end of every Sessional Examination.
- Students are instructed to get prior permission from concerned Class Incharge by the way of submitting the Leave letter duly signed by parents.
- Students are strictly instructed not to take leave on Saturday and Monday [without prior permission], failing which fine of Rs.100 /- will be collected.
- In case of any Emergency Permission / Leave required, parents are requested to give Intimation through phone to the concerned Class Incharge.
- Students taking leave for more than four days, then the leave letter should be supported by the Medical Certificate.
- Parents /Guardians are advised not to encourage their wards to remain absent without any valuable reason.
- Students should wear neat and clean dresses. Boys should wear full / half sleeves with simple top and no embroidery work on it. They should tuck in their shirts and wear shoes.
- Girls should wear Churidhar with their Duppatas neatly pinned. Short Top, Leggins and Jeans are not allowed.
- Students should pay their Tution Fee on [or] before the prescribed dates, failing which fine will be collected. (Every year 10th of June & December)
- Students who are leaving the college during the middle of course, he / she should pay fee for the entire course.
- Students must wear apron during the practical classes.
- Students are instructed to switch off the lights / fans while leaving the lab / classrooms.
- Students are strictly instructed to keep their class rooms Neat and Tidy.
- Students should not waste water. Don’t sprinkle food materials in the class room .
- In case of hostel related problems, students should first intimate hostel warden, then it should be brought to the notice of Principal.
- The Management, Principal reserves the right to modify any of the rules whenever necessary and the decision taken by them shall be final.